Print Base Paper

Product Description :

Print base papers are high-tech papers with a very smooth surface, dimensional stability and good printability behavior. They are mainly used for laminate flooring and furniture production.

Print base paper is a top most layer of decorative laminates, which is printed in different designs. Paper has very smooth surface, highly loaded with white and color pigments to provide high opacity to prevent show through of bottom layer of decorative laminates. The smooth surface gives good printing results. The paper has good absorbency and high wet strength.

SLDescriptionUnitStandard Specification
1Standard GsmGM/M250
2Avg. GsmGM/M250±2.0
6Brightness (ISO)°Degree_
7Opacity (ISO)%100+
8Burst Strength_
9Burst Factor__
11Wet Strength (Dry)Gms500-550
12Tensile Strength M.DKg./15mm_
Tensile Strength C.D_
13Breaking Length M.DMeter_
14Bendesten PorosityMI/MIN100-120
15Bendsten Roughness TopMI/MIN30-40
Bendsten Roughness BottamMI/MIN50-60
16Ash Content%26±2.0
17Water Klemnmm/4 min12(Min)
18Paper FormationUniformGood
19Shade Sample_Dark Brown
20Paper Moisture%4.5
21Gloss 75°Angle%22-25

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